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Patron Code of Conduct

South Interlake Regional Library’s vision is to be the welcoming heart of our communities where patrons of all generations are included, educated, informed and inspired.  We strive to provide a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment for all, with nobody left out.  Everyone has the right to equal treatment with respect to the access and use of the Library’s services and facilities in accordance with the Manitoba Human Rights Code.  Following this Code of Conduct will prevent disruption of Library services, ensure the safety of staff and patrons and maintain the security of Library property. This Code of Conduct applies to all the Library’s branches and any meeting organized by the Library, onsite and offsite.

  1. Library users, staff and volunteers will treat each other in a respectful and courteous manner. Any behaviour which is unsafe, disruptive, impeding, intimidating, abusive, insulting, bullying, harassing or threatening is prohibited.  This rule applies to behaviour in person or through any mode of communication whatsoever.
  2. We respect the privacy and personal safety of Library users, staff and volunteers. Filming, photographing or recording anyone on Library property or at a Library meeting without the free, prior and informed consent of the subject being recorded (or, in the case of children, the consent of their parent/guardian) as well as the prior permission of the branch Librarian is prohibited.
  3. Library users will be mindful of others in the Library. Please keep all noise including conversation, electronic devices, phone calls, music, etc. to a level that will not disturb others.
  4. Dress appropriately at the Library: shoes, shirts and other appropriate attire must be worn at all times.
  5. The Library belongs to the community. Any damage or theft of Library property is prohibited and may be subject to prosecution.
  6. Library staff need room to work safely. Entry into staff areas including work spaces, offices, staff rooms, staff washrooms and storage/utility rooms without staff permission is prohibited.
  7. The Library is a good source of local information. Please ask staff permission before posting printed materials such as posters, advertisement, or petitions in the Library.
  8. Children are most welcome at the Library. All children under the age of 12 must be directly supervised by a responsible person over the age of 12 except during registered participation in a Library program.
  9. The Library’s collection includes materials reflecting a broad range of perspectives as befitting a public library in a free and democratic society. Library users may disagree with certain perspectives reflected in some Library materials.  All Library users have freedom of belief and conscience and will respect this same freedom for others.  Every Library user has the right to choose or refrain from choosing any materials in our Library.
  10. Parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to choose Library materials for the children in their care. No one will interfere with a parent/guardian’s right to access Library materials for their child according to their own conscience.
  11. Use Library furniture, equipment, facilities and designated spaces for their intended purposes only.
  12. Smoking and vaping is prohibited inside the Library and within 8 meters of the Library entrance.
  13. Intoxication, consumption, sale or possession of liquor or illegal drugs is prohibited on Library property.
  14. Leave the Library promptly at closing time and when required to do so during an emergency.
  15. Help keep others healthy and refrain from visiting the library if feeling unwell.

Non-compliance with this Code of Conduct may result in individuals being required to leave the Library premises, suspension of Library access for a period of time or request for RCMP assistance.

Updated 2024-05-30