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Board and Governance

The South Interlake Regional Library receives core funding from its four municipal partners:  the RM of Rockwood, the RM of Rosser, the Town of Stonewall and the Town of Teulon. The library also receives annual operational funding from the Government of Manitoba through  Public Library Services. The Library is overseen by an eight-person Board of Directors consisting of one Councillor and one citizen representative appointed by each of the four municipal Councils.

The Library Board of 2024

R.M. of Rockwood

  • Council representative – Curtis McClintock – Chair
  • Citizen representative – Brenda Martinussen – Vice Chair

R.M. of Rosser

  • Council representative – Kelvin Stewart
  • Citizen representative – Deanna Johnson

Town of Stonewall

  • Council representative – Kim Newman
  • Citizen representative – Karen Korchinski

Town of Teulon

  • Council representative – Michael Hepples
  • Citizen representative – Julie Leduchowski

Board Meeting Summaries


Manitoba Public Libraries Act

Annual Reports